Eating Disorders Residential Treatment Centre
Eating Disorder Residential Treatment Centre in Coombs
IQon were engaged by the ACT Government on behalf of the ACT Health Directorate, to Design and Construct the first non-private residential treatment facility of its kind in the ACT. The building comprised of three interconnecting spaces made up of an Administration wing, a therapy / treatment wing, residential wing and extensive external living areas; consisting of soft and hard landscaping.
IQon inherited a PSP design and developed the project design through to 100% FSP after which the decision was made that the facility would be operated by CHS. This led to substantial redesign of the overall requirements and inclusion to meet CHS specifications while also incorporating additional requirements to satisfy further concerns, risk assessments and reviews. IQon worked closely with all stakeholder groups to incorporate all changes while maintaining progress on site to achieve tight timelines for completion and handover of the project. The project has been handed over and is operable.