Gold Creek Primary School

The Gold Creek Primary School

  • The Gold Creek Primary School 01
  • The Gold Creek Primary School 02
  • The Gold Creek Primary School 03
  • The Gold Creek Primary School 04
  • The Gold Creek Primary School 05


The Gold Creek Primary School Expansion Stage 3 Project included the construction of a new learning community to provide learning areas for a total of 300 students. The Building was a new 1800m2 building consisting of laboratories, art rooms, WC facilities, administration & various teaching spaces.

Safety on the project was paramount and particular attention was given by the project team for the development of specific procedures given that the works were completed in an operational school environment and the potential risks associated with working in such environments. Special attention was needed to implementation of staging, materials handling, decanting, deliveries and service isolation requirements throughout the duration of the works to ensure impact on the schools was minimised. This early planning and open communication with various stakeholders resulted in the works progressing without impact on the day to day operation of the schools. Management of the Working With Vulnerable People requirement was a key deliverable for the Education Directorate therefore ensuring the safety of school children was not undermined.

Despite the initial delays by the client in awarding the project, IQon were able to fast track the design. In addition to this, the project also had to mitigate some 30 days of latent conditions / wet weather though the construction phase yet still managed to successfully complete & hand over the project for the beginning of the school term 1, January 2020, 2+ weeks ahead of the contract completion date.

Safety on this project was paramount and particular attention was given by the project team for development and implementation of specific procedures given the works were completed in an operation school environment and potential risks associated with working in such environments. No reportable incidents or injuries were reported on the project therefore achieving completion without any notable safety incidents.

The Project was completed on time, within budget and to the Clients Expectations.